This week, the VoLGA Forum announced it has published an updated set of specifications. We haven't heard from the group from a while - committee members have been heads down writing the specs.
Based on the press release, there are key new features and capabilities in the specs that will facilitate rapid deployment of mobile voice and SMS services over LTE, including:
* the use of VoLGA over HSPA;
* support for SIM-less emergency calling;
* optimized voice-bearer routing; and
* host APIs for LTE handsets.
Karl-Heinz Nenner, chairman of the VoLGA Forum, said:
"Voice continues to be a critical service for next-generation mobile networks. The additional features make VoLGA a very complete solution."
While there hasn't been too much noise recently about VoLGA or other voice over LTE options, there is plenty of chatter about the voice market, such as unlimited voice discussions and Total Telecom's June article .
The discussions remain largely the same. And, as more operators prepare their 4G networks, the pressure will mount. VoLGA, which is available today, is clearly ahead of the pack.
The new (and existing) documents can be downloaded from